我來香港已經超過 13 年了,我是一名越野跑者,喜歡耐力挑戰、騎馬、提高對慈善事業的認識以及與房地產有關的一切。作為一名前 National Hunt 騎師,我歡迎冒險,並且很幸運能夠經常旅行。他是許多設在香港、日本和世界各地的慈善機構的支持者,包括停止販賣人口、為被遺棄的狗重新安置的 TAILS 和最近幫助殘疾人保持行動、為在家的人提供食物並為那些需要幫助的人提供支持的 1st Steps HK有抑鬱症問題。
30 多年來,我一直是一名房地產專家,通過我共同創立的公司 JNW Properties 專注於日本新雪谷的滑雪地產
我來香港已經超過 13 年了,我是一名越野跑者,喜歡耐力挑戰、騎馬、提高對慈善事業的認識以及與房地產有關的一切。作為一名前 National Hunt 騎師,我歡迎冒險,並且很幸運能夠經常旅行。他是許多設在香港、日本和世界各地的慈善機構的支持者,包括停止販賣人口、為被遺棄的狗重新安置的 TAILS 和最近幫助殘疾人保持行動、為在家的人提供食物並為那些需要幫助的人提供支持的 1st Steps HK有抑鬱症問題。
30 多年來,我一直是一名房地產專家,通過我共同創立的公司 JNW Properties 專注於日本新雪谷的滑雪地產

我來香港已經超過 13 年了,我是一名越野跑者,喜歡耐力挑戰、騎馬、提高對慈善事業的認識以及與房地產有關的一切。作為一名前 National Hunt 騎師,我歡迎冒險,並且很幸運能夠經常旅行。他是許多設在香港、日本和世界各地的慈善機構的支持者,包括停止販賣人口、為被遺棄的狗重新安置的 TAILS 和最近幫助殘疾人保持行動、為在家的人提供食物並為那些需要幫助的人提供支持的 1st Steps HK有抑鬱症問題。
30 多年來,我一直是一名房地產專家,通過我共同創立的公司 JNW Properties 專注於日本新雪谷的滑雪地產
Unleashing Limits: Jo's 5 Trails in 5 Days Journey
Welcome to "Unleashing Limits," a journey that encapsulates transformation, empowerment, and the spirit of pushing boundaries. In the midst of the COVID years, a seismic shift occurred within me, sparking a profound transformation. This metamorphosis not only redefined my personal journey but also ignited a mission of greater significance.

The Monumental Challenge
An idea crept into my head, to conquer a challenge that took me through the heart of Hong Kong's rugged landscapes – running the 5 trails in 5 consecutive days, encompassing nearly 400km and a staggering 20,000m of elevation gain. This feat was comparable to running from here to Guangzhou and ascending Everest more than 2 ½ times. The doubting whispers crept in – could I truly conquer this formidable challenge? After all, I was a relatively new runner with just two years of experience. Yet, the intention went beyond personal accomplishment; it was about kindling awareness and resources for "Run for Freedom," a movement dedicated to those who cannot run themselves.

The Trails and Their Stories:
Each trail held its own narrative. The Tinworth trail, a 97-kilometer tribute from Tai O to the Chinese border, honored the legacy of Nick Tinworth, a trail running pioneer lost to cancer. The Wilson trail spanned 85 kilometers of awe-inspiring vistas and demanding ascents. The Hong Kong Trail, a modest 50 kilometers, beckoned with its unique charm and breathtaking views. But the true tests lay ahead – the 103-kilometer MacLehose trail with its relentless elevation gains, and the 70-kilometer Lantau trail, where determination met exhaustion and shared laughter with fellow runners, bikers, and the spirited Lantau community.

The Transformative Support:
Fueling my journey was the remarkable support I encountered along the trails. Companions like Pili and Esther, along with unexpected allies, changed the trajectory of the challenge. Tak, in an electric wheelchair, ran beside me to the summit of The Peak, epitomizing the indomitable spirit of humanity. Moments etched in memory, like a simple gesture of a bowl of fried rice from a local shop owner on the MacLehose trail, symbolized the boundless compassion within humanity's heart. These acts of kindness breathed renewed strength into me, propelling me forward.

Culmination and Beyond:
The journey culminated at the iconic green postbox in Mui Wo, marking the achievement of the 100k HKD target. Yet, the support surpassed expectations, reaching nearly 1 million HKD. The movement had morphed into something beyond ourselves – empowering individuals to undertake their own challenges and contribute to the cause. The question lingered – could your next endeavor be the catalyst for change? Could your actions resonate beyond yourself, touching lives and kindling transformation?
The Journey Begins
As you navigate this page, remember that this journey isn't just mine; it's a collective endeavor, an invitation to create lasting impact. The world is full of untapped potential, waiting to be harnessed. Imagine the ripple effect that your steps could trigger, not only for you but for the countless lives you touch. The journey of empowerment and change starts with a single stride – a choice to challenge boundaries and inspire others. Join me in this transformative odyssey, and let's forge a brighter world, one stride at a time.
This is an extract from a talk that encapsulates my journey and the essence of "Unleashing Limits." Experience the full story by watching the film "Unleashing Limits: Jo's 5 Trails in 5 Days Journey." below
Unleashing Limits: The Film!
Sit back and enjoy the beauty of Hong Kong and the ups and downs of Jo's HK5Trails Adventure!
慈善挑戰賽 - 為自由而跑 - 5 天內跑 5 條賽道
390 公里,海拔 19,500 米🏃🏻🏃🏻
👉 The Tinworth Trail - 海拔 93 公里 / 5,000 米
👉 威爾遜步道 - 78 公里/4,600 米海拔
👉 香港徑 - 50km / 2,000m 海拔
👉 麥理浩徑 - 100 公里 / 4,600 米海拔
👉 大嶼山徑 - 70 公里 / 3,300 公里海拔
日期:2023 年 3 月 1 日至 5 日
Jo's been seen here