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50km for 50 years - Bike, Hike & Kayak to raise awareness for (STOP) - Stop Trafficking of People

Writer's picture: Novy LodderNovy Lodder

20th September 2020

The challenge was to bike, hike, and kayak our way around Lantau Island to achieve a combined total of 50k. The Mountain Bike section designed to take in the tough hilly trails and the hike to bag its highest peak @ 934m, the kayak to head out to sea from Silvermine Beach.

How di it go?

Adverse weather conditions in the run-up to and on the day of the event meant the meticulously planned routes had to be ditched and adapted on the fly. This kicked things out a little, the bike which was scheduled to be no more than 30 km topped out at 35.7 km, and the hike planned to be 15 km finished at 22.9 km, we got farther and farther behind schedule and with the weather forcing us to seek shelter on the route the event was turning into a bit of an epic.

When we finally arrived at the beach to tackle the kayak section it was already dark, the Kayaking plans had to be shelved but with the combined event total already at 58km, we agreed that the goal had been achieved. With the more than enticing smell of the food and the knowing that the fabulous support group had cold beers on hand, we decided that the job was done 12 hours after the start from the same point. Mission completed, a little note though that I must mention, a certain incident did make this a dramatically tougher event for one Mr Lodder who, at the 18K mark decided to depart dramatically and rather suddenly from the mountain bike trail, disappearing down the side of a very steep section sustaining some major bruising and cuts. Patched up and replaced in the saddle Jo rode on in substantial pain to complete the challenge. After finishing photos were done and beer drunk,

Jo was clearly in a lot of pain so it was decided to dispatch him off to A&E where sure enough a broken collar bone was declared and 8 stitches administered to the cut on his chin.


Join me in the fight against human trafficking in Hong Kong by raising money and awareness for survivors through Stop Trafficking of People (STOP), an initiative of Branches of Hope Limited

Here’s how to do it:

As global citizens in Asia’s World City, let’s step up to raise awareness about human trafficking and be part of the solution in creating a more just world.

STOP is a local Hong Kong initiative that works to combat human trafficking in and through Hong Kong. It does this through:

(1) Legal referral and social assistance

(2) Community outreach

(3) Network building

(4) Public education

(5) Research and Advocacy

Donating is really simple and secure. The money will directly go to Stop Trafficking of People (STOP). Branches of Hope.


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