Tak is a stroke survivor who relies on an electric wheelchair for mobility. Unfortunately, the current wheelchair he has is second-hand and has a battery life that is insufficient for his needs, limiting his ability to travel. Tak also has multiple health conditions, making it crucial for him to have a reliable electric wheelchair for medical appointments. Due to financial difficulties, he cannot afford to purchase a new one. That's where our charity challenge comes in. Your donation will help people like Tak gain freedom and independence by providing them with a reliable electric wheelchair. Empower individuals with disabilities to live their best lives by donating now.
The story of Tak
阿得於2004年中風後右邊半邊身活動能力受到限制,使用助行架代步。後來年紀漸長,加上 有心臟問題及長期病患,身體漸差的阿得後來需要使用電動輪椅出入。
他的電動輪椅是省吃檢用自行購買的,2022年2月,他的三高輪椅於街上「死火」停頓,差點發 生意外,慶幸最後警察送他回家。由於他2月份有多個覆診,他只好問友人借用$8,000購買現 時的電動輪椅。可惜的是,他購買的輪椅很快便有電池損耗問題,經常在使用1-2小時後便要 充電。不幸的是,他由於經濟困難,每月依靠$2150 的普通傷殘津貼生活 (他與太太同住,太 太月入$12,000),他未能為自己購買新輪椅。
輪椅的電池續航力力不足,使阿得不敢出遠門。從鴨脷洲住所出九龍區活動,他都會帶備充電 器在餐廳、商場及社福機構充電,以減低發生意外的機會。最重要的是,阿得除了中風,同時 有心臟疾病及等長期病患,如果沒有電動輪椅,會影響到他覆診求醫的情況。
自強協會希望輪贈一部電動輪椅給阿得,可惜仍然欠缺一對電池。善長們的捐款支持,可以幫 助到阿得配對到一部合適而安全的電動輪椅,令他可以安心、安全地投入社區生活。
Tak is a stroke survivor since 2004; he had limited mobility on the right side of his body and used a walking frame. Eventually, as Tak aged and developed heart problems and chronic illnesses, his health deteriorated to the point where he needed an electric wheelchair to move in and out.
His initial electric wheelchair was purchased with his savings. In February of 2022, his wheelchair malfunctioned in the middle of the street, nearly causing an accident. Since he had multiple medical follow-ups in February, he had to borrow $8,000 from his friend in order to purchase the current second-hand electric wheelchair.
However, the battery of his wheelchair depletes rapidly, he has to recharge it every 1-2 hours. Due to financial difficulties, he cannot afford to purchase a new wheelchair. The wheelchair's battery life is insufficient, so Tak does not dare to travel far. When leaving his Ap Lei Chau residence for activities in Kowloon, he always brings a charger to charge his wheelchair in restaurants, shopping malls, and social welfare organizations on order to reduce the likelihood of accidents. The most important fact is that in addition to having suffered a stroke, Tak also has heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol conditions. If he does not have an electric wheelchair, his follow-up consultation will be affected.
1st Step HK would like to offer Tak an electric wheelchair, but they are still in need of two batteries. With the help of donations and support, Tak will be able to acquire a suitable and safe electric wheelchair, allowing him to devote himself to community life in peace and safety.

Jo Lodder is a trail runner, business leader, and philanthropist. As co-founder of JNW Asia, a marketing company in Hong Kong focused on selling their own Niseko projects, and a partner of SnowDog, a hospitality brand. He's also embarking on the Run for Freedom challenge to raise money for charity. With a passion for helping others and a drive for success, Jo inspires through his love of adventure and entrepreneurship.
Donate to my challenge "Run for Freedom" HK5Trails
Jo's quote today
"True happiness comes from making a difference in the lives of others, especially those in need"
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JNW Properties: www.jnwasia.com
SnowDog Village: www.snowdogniseko.com
SnowDog Chalets: www.snowdogchaletsniseko.com
Raku Ichi Residences: www.rakuichiniseko.com